  • [심리학] The Principles of Pleasure
    Defining Emotional Terms AFFECT(감정) -Immediate, psysiological response to stimulus -Typically base on an underlying sense of arousal EMOTION(정서) -Judgments about important things, judgments in which, appraising an external object as salient for our own well-being.
    2017-12-20 | 1,900원 | 21p | 감정 심리학   [심리학] The Principles of Pleasure
  • [마케팅전략] 페라리(Ferrari) 마케팅 전략
    USP (single benefit positioning) ESP (emotional selling positioning) Think about Rolex watch! -A Specialty Product -Make good-quality automobiles in small quantity. -Worth high-octane prices / Have 5000~7000cc of engine -Exclusivity – parts & performance -Grafted Ferrari racing heritage onto road cars -High technical skills & high in scarcity
    2011-03-30 | 1,400원 | 20p | 마케팅 마케팅전략 페라리 전략 Ferrari   [마케팅전략] 페라리(Ferrari) 마케팅 전략
  • 보웬(Bowen)의 가족치료 가족상담계획8회기 및 가족치료사례적용 레포트
    Emotional Divorce), 나중에 삼각화라는 중요한 개념을 낳게 되는 정서적 평형(Emotional Equilibrium), 그리고 정신병의 발병을 들 수 있다. 보웬의 이론적 가설을 4가지로 정리해보면 다음과 같다(Papero, 1990). ① 가족의 패턴은 세대에서 세대로 전수되어 진다. ② 가족구성원이 원가족(Family of Origin)으로부터 적절
    2010-05-24 | 1,710원 | 24p | 보웬의 가족치료 가족치료사례 보웬의 치료모델 가족치료 사례적용 가족치료 파워포인트 bowen   보웬(Bowen)의 가족치료 가족상담계획8회기 및 가족치료사례적용 레포트
  • [광고심리] 대한항공 광고 캠페인 `일본에게 일본을 묻다` 조사(영문)
    3. Brand positioning - To make a comparison, the other big domestic competitor, Asiana Airline, appeals to emotions through comfortable, tender atmosphere. On the other hand, Korean Airline is aiming to improve customer satisfaction under the basic duties of Korean Airline by appealing with a perfection, quality, thoroughness, convenience. - With a perfect and best image, Korean Airline striv
    2012-03-05 | 800원 | 6p | 광고심리 대한항공 광고 항공   [광고심리] 대한항공 광고 캠페인 `일본에게 일본을 묻다` 조사(영문)
  • [호텔연구방법론] 관광지에 대한 PPL이 관광지 이미지와 방문의도에 미치는 영향-MBC `무한도전`의 일본 홋카이도 방문 사례를 중심으로(영문)
    Emotional tourism destination image depending on PPL effect. Through the variable calculation, we got the mean of PPL effect. We set this to independent variable and set Cognitive, Emotional tourism destination image to dependent variable. The result of regression analysis is . PPL effect have a positive(+) effect on Cognitive, Emotional tourism destination image. The influence
    2011-11-21 | 2,100원 | 21p | 무한도전 방문의도 방문 호텔연구방법론 MBC   [호텔연구방법론] 관광지에 대한 PPL이 관광지 이미지와 방문의도에 미치는 영향-MBC `무한도전`의 일본 홋카이도 방문 사례를 중심으로(영문)
  • [국제마케팅] BMW vs. AUDI(아우디) 마케팅전략(영문)
    emotional link with consumers and to create strong brand images and positions to differentiate them from other brands. BMW positions itself as “real drivers car” with powerful performance. It can be associated with masculine, aggressive and dominant customers who are well educated and early achievers. Audi also positions itself as a drivers car and targets progressive, stylish sporty and urba
    2009-11-26 | 1,400원 | 15p | the and is in of BMW are to Audi for   [국제마케팅] BMW vs. AUDI(아우디) 마케팅전략(영문)
  • [국제경영] 더페이스샵 The Face Shop 국제시장(중국, 일본, 미국, 베트남) 진출 전략
    Positioning - Positioning strategy makes to establish present position firmly on customers’ mind. ① High Quality and Low Price: The concept of The Face Shop is naturalism. It tried to reduce packing fees and stages of distribution channel. ② Natural and Luxurious Atmosphere of Shop - Design of the shop is based on plainly white color, besides, the source of products such as rose, lotus
    2010-12-07 | 2,000원 | 20p | 국제경영 국제시장 Face Shop   [국제경영] 더페이스샵 The Face Shop 국제시장(중국, 일본, 미국, 베트남) 진출 전략
  • [마케팅] 대형마트(홈플러스, 롯데마트)의 착한가격 마케팅 분석(영문)
    positive impact on the brand image. Recently, Lotte Mart sold American LA galbi on a half sale price. The event is "Tongkeun LA galbi". But when Lotte mart did the event, a Korean cattle association and the consumers criticized to Lotte Mart. Because the Tongkeun LA galbi's selling time was same as the time when the whole country fought with the foot-and-mouth disease. But even if the associati
    2011-09-08 | 1,700원 | 17p | 마케팅 대형마트 롯데마트 착한가격 홈플러스   [마케팅] 대형마트(홈플러스, 롯데마트)의 착한가격 마케팅 분석(영문)
  • [사회조사방법론] 학력과 자기애의 상관관계에 대하여(영문)
    Ⅲ. Subjects for Study Conducting questionnaire was notified in advance about. And We explain the contents, Associated with personality characteristics and emotions were measured. Instructions of the same information that was stated on the questionnaire. All the questionnaires for this study were prepared at a lecture room after class hours. Notice was given to students that respondents
    2010-12-28 | 1,400원 | 14p | 상관관계 사회조사방법론 방법론 자기애 영문   [사회조사방법론] 학력과 자기애의 상관관계에 대하여(영문)
  • [마케팅] 라네즈 마케팅전략(영문)
    position to another company. They seized about 52% of cosmetic market which included other nation's brand. They are planning on entering into other nations to broaden their acknowledgement. One of the success case is France perfume market. They pushed into the France market about 10 years ago. Amore pacific constructed their brand image through emotional image of perfume business. It is a "Loli
    2006-11-21 | 2,600원 | 24p | of to the and is in are LANEIGE they market   [마케팅] 라네즈 마케팅전략(영문)
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